วันนี้ฉันไปก่อนนะ,เพื่อนเรียกฉันแล้ว,ฝันดี,คุณต้องการฉันตอนไหนเรียกฉันได้นะ Today I went to before, a friend called me, good , now you need me call me that. ฝันดี
Today I am going to call my friend reminded me, first, a dream, do you want me now?, I call.Today I went to before, a friend called me, good , now you need me call me that.A good dream.
Today I went to before, a friend called me, good, now you need me call me on my Today I went to before, a friend called me, good, now you need me call me that. Good.
Today I'm going, my friend called me, good night, you want me when you call me Today I went to before a friend called me,,, Good now you, need me call me that. night.