St. Peter Location: Saint Peters Basilica
location. Country Vatican
today You can visit
the imposing Cathedral of St. Peter. The focus of the Vatican City The temple is built with craftsmanship. Ideally, as far as possible. But to start with something as ordinary pope in AD 90 Ana Clean Herodotus. The small tower was built at the cemetery of St. Peter, after suffering for the Lord until he died later the Emperor Constantine's. The adoption of Christianity as the Romans had built. A large octagonal building itself as a key assistant to Charles European asylum from the invasion of barbarians and build. Progress to a standstill after a while. Crowned Holy Roman Empire established the building as a temple built in the 15th century reign of Pope Julius the second patron of many celebrated artists. The pope saw that this Christian kingdom must have its headquarters. The stories are collected as evidence. Construction has begun in the meantime and build each other up to 300 years to successfully complete
the construction of a Greek style renaissance period. The Greek emphasis more clearly include Michael Angelo came in the 18th century was more artistic, Latin (Roman), as well as into the present. The interior living great genius of many artists such as Raphael and Bernina now organized within the seat assembly is beautifully proportioned. There is a statue of the saint through the middle 96 Square. A jagged tall poles, which emperor Kalima Immaculata Please brought from Heliopolis Tower magical rival nearby Cathedral City Hall Stein is the private residence of the popes built in 1481 AD decorative interior. room and the walls are made of Michael Angelo masterpieces and wonders in the world in the writing four years, the walls take six years, impressive picture of the world, including the painting "The Last Judgement"
museum time. One was once the residence of the Pope are precious, famous. Vatican Honors wonders Which is regarded as world treasures such as books, scientific instruments, furniture, jewelry, sculpture, sculptor. Maps derived from the survey. Missionaries (clergyman) King Emperor and the guests who come to visit.
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