Loan contract.Make that no. 51/1 Moo 6, Tambon chalong. Amphur Muang, PhuketLoan contract.This contract made the No. 51/1 Moo 6, Tambon chalong, amphur Muang, Phuket. When December 1 2558BetweenMr.D ' 63-year-old INNO CENZO MAURIZIO Italy nationality passport No. YA4843306, which in this contract, called the "lenders" end with. 1. Mr.BALZANO 32 years of age, nationality, RICADO Italy. Passport no. YA4061281 33-year-old 2.Mr.DOTTI LVCA Italy nationality passport number YA2344101. 3.Mr.TRAVISI MASSIMICIANO, age 32 years, Italy nationality passport number YA4061280. 35-year-old CARLO 4.Mr.ARGANO Italy nationality passport number F670707. The four men, one which is called "the borrower together." The parties both parties agree loan contracts with the following details. 1. borrowers willing to lend and borrowers jointly agreed on the loan from the borrower as 30,000,000 baht, by joint agreement, both the number of loans received. Lenders take account number ............................ .......................................... 2. the borrower jointly agreed to pay interest as lending rate 10 per cent per annum and agreed to pay lenders to make every day of the month, 250,000 baht per month by the transfer of the lender, the number associated with the loan agreement, start .................................................. installment interest from January 1, and 2559 will return all loans in December 1 2559. 3. property that is used to insure the loan borrower is the owner of land in Condominium Tower number 19 with room number 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, and 112 on Condominium Tower's first floor and room number 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206 and 207 of the Condominium Tower which is located on the 2nd floor of a Condominium Tower and located on the project lands, title deed no. 430 page book 92923 23, amphur Muang, Phuket property offers borrowers participate and those that use an independent insurance loan. 4. the reason why the wrong contract, in addition to the default law securities contracts. 4.1 joint borrowers default debt principal by which periodic interest payments two or not, for a given user to recover. 4.2 joint borrowers operating errors and/or disclaimer of property as collateral, and/or make a little move down or reduce the depreciation, which is an asset as collateral, or any action to make the lender receives payments from the margin decrease, unless a normal depreciation, asset property. 5. the result of the wrong contract. กรณีที่ผู้กู้ร่วมผิดสัญญาดังกล่าวใหนข้อ 4 ตามสัญญานี้ไม่ว่าตามปัจจัยข้อใดข้อหนึ่งผู้กู้ร่วมตกลงให้ถือว่าเป็นการผิดนัดสัญญากู้เงินทั้งหมดและให้บรรดาหนี้สิ้นอื่นใดที่ผู้กู้มีอยู่ให้กู้เป็นอันถึงกำหนดชำระโดยพร้อมเพียงกันโดนพลันรวมทั้งหนี้ที่ยังไม่ครบกำหนดระยาเวลาตามสัญญาโดยผู้ให้กู้จะมีหนังสือแจ้งให้ผู้กู้ดำเนินการแก้ไขเหตุแห่งการผิดนัดสัญญาดังกล่าวภายในระยะเวลาที่กำหนดทั้งนี้ไม่ถือเป็นการที่ผู้ให้กู้ยอมผ่อนปรนหรือสละสิทธิ์ในการคิดดอกเบี้ยในระหว่างที่ผู้กู้แก้ไขทุก แห่งการผิดสัญญานั้นและตามทันกำหนดระยะเวลาตามหนังสือบอกกล่าวเพียงแต่ผู้กู้ยังไม่ดำเนินการแก้ไขและ/หรือไม่สามารถแก้ไขเหตุแห่งการผิดนัด 6. a contract that lenders have the right contract cancellation and refund all the costs, return immediately with all the damage that the lenders would also receive due to irregular contracts, securities of the borrower, as well as the cost of claims claim notification and enforcement litigation until fully in all respects both to denounce the contract mentioned above, the lender will have a notice to borrowers together know. 7. delivery of noticeAny notice sent to the lender by the borrower of the borrower or borrower has notice of the change, make the book sent to the rotni response and registration that borrowers receive a notice and notice for the postal officials delivered to the address of the borrower. Regardless of whether or not the recipient has received or sent, no replacement because borrowers have moved without notifying the lenders to the new address or the address is not found, search or demolition destroy every case these borrowers opted to treat the letter books. The notice sent to the borrower by love. 8. the agreement void did not affect section to complete the section. If there is any message or an agreement on the contract and/or additional notes to the end of the contract (if any) that is void or incomplete for any reason, either the parties agree, that is a void or incomplete. And the parties have agreed to a text or a perfect agreement is still valid. 9. the end of the contract. This contract ends when the buyer has paid the lender according to verse 4, or until the parties have agreed otherwise. This contract is made up of two bubble. With the text. the parties have read and understand the contract fully throughout the text and see that their intention fully met. It is important to keep signed in front of witnesses and the Parties shall each.Signed (signed) ............................................... borrowers (Borrower).(…………………………………….)Signed (signed) ............................................... lender (Lender).(…………………………………….)Signed (signed) ............................................... testimony (Witness)(…………………………………….)Signed (signed) ............................................... testimony (Witness)(…………………………………….)
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