. do accounting This paper examines the profitability of Division I athletic programs at colleges and
universities. In the United States under a variety of accounting definitions of profit. The data
identify several broad themes, First,. A majority of athletic departments rely heavily on direct and
indirect subsidization of their programs by the, student bodyThe, institution itself and state
governments in order to balance their books. Without such funding less than, a third. Of BCS
athletic departments and no non-BCS departments are in the black. Second athletic, programs
rely heavily on contributions. To balance their books. Donations to athletic departments may serve
as a substitute for donations to the rest of, the UniversityLowering giving to other programs.
Third football and, men 's basketball programs are generally highly profitable at BCS. Schools but
below, this top tier fewer than, 10% of football programs and 15% of men 's basketball programs
show a profit. By any reasonable accounting measures.
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