Chemical and physical information is as follows: there is a transparency value. Is equal to the average of 47.9 cm nahu UM are in the range 25-30 degrees Celsius. Dissolved oxygen (DO). The value is 1.1 – 10.7 mg/l. Values (within 2 assigned standard mg per liter), microbial oxygen used to decompose organic matter (BOD) in water. There is a value between 1.0-10 milligrams per liter. Nitrate (No3) value. There is a value between-0.985 7.090 mg per liter (within 2 assigned standard mg per liter) ammonia is located at no more than 0.189 average standard value (within 2 assigned standard mg per liter), and phosphate (PO3) phosphorus value. There are between 0.5 – average 4.4 mg/l. From such chemical factors indicate that this condition is a eutrophic water source lake.
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