Currently, Human Resources is searching for new Senior Technicians to  การแปล - Currently, Human Resources is searching for new Senior Technicians to  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Currently, Human Resources is searc

Currently, Human Resources is searching for new Senior Technicians to work with us from both external and internal candidates. Therefore, it is a great opportunities to encourage a promotion from within our organization to boost morale and help them keep productivity high with potential career path at Jones Lang LaSalle.

Human Resources would like ask building managers to consider and identify if there are any existing technicians in your property, who are in a group of top performers or perform well in technician works with strong potential to be a Senior Technician in the future. And please send their names to HR for further process of testing and interviewing with Khun Kittisak Toonsakul, Associate Director, Engineering and Operation Solutions (EOS), at Head Office, to ensure a well-qualified person before promoting to Senior Technician position.

At the Madison, there are two potential candidates who are eligible for Senior Technicians as follows:-

สำหรับอาคารอิตัลไทย ทาวเวอร์ เสนอคุณ A ส่งเสริมให้เป็นช่างเทคนิคอาวุโส

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
currently, human resources is searching for new senior technicians to work with us from both external and internal candidates. therefore, it is a great opportunities to encourage a promotion from within our organization to boost morale and help them keep productivity high with potential career path at jones lang lasalle.

.human resources would like ask building managers to consider and identify if there are any existing technicians in your property, who are in a group of top performers or perform well in technician works with strong potential to be a senior technician in the future. and please send their names to hr for further process of testing and interviewing with khun kittisak toonsakul, associate director,.engineering and operation solutions (eos), at head office, to ensure a well-qualified person before promoting to senior technician position.

at the madison, there are two potential candidates who are eligible for senior technicians as follows: -

for Ital Thailand Tower offers you a promotion to a senior technician

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Currently, Human Resources is searching for new Senior Technicians to work with us from both external and internal candidates. Therefore, it is a great opportunities to encourage a promotion from within our organization to boost morale and help them keep productivity high with potential career path at Jones Lang LaSalle.

Human Resources would like ask building managers to consider and identify if there are any existing technicians in your property, who are in a group of top performers or perform well in technician works with strong potential to be a Senior Technician in the future. And please send their names to HR for further process of testing and interviewing with Khun Kittisak Toonsakul, Associate Director, Operation and Engineering Solutions (EOS), Head Office to ensure, at a well-qualified person before promoting to Senior Technician position At

. the two potential candidates are there, Madison who are eligible for Senior Technicians as follows:-

for รอิ aka "Thai Tower, offer you A promotion to a senior technician

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Currently, Human Resources is searching for new Senior Technicians to work with us from both external and internal candidates. Therefore, it is a great opportunities to encourage a promotion from within our organization to boost morale and help them keep productivity high with potential career path at Jones Lang LaSalle.

ask Human Resources building managers would like to consider and identify if there are any existing technicians in your property, who are in a group of top performers or perform well in technician works with a strong potential to be Senior Technician in the future, please send their names to And HR for further process of testing and interviewing with Khun Kittisak Toonsakul, Associate Director,and Engineering Operation Solutions (EOS), at Head Office, to ensure a well-qualified person before promoting to Senior Technician position.
At Madison, there are two potential candidates who are eligible for Senior Technicians as follows: -

อิตัล Thai Tower proposed for building your A promoted as a Senior technician

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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