อย่างไรก็ตามจากการสัมภาษณ์เจ้าหน้าที่ในเมือง Fort Lee ปรากฏว่าพวกเขาบอกเป็นเสียงเดียวกันว่าผู้ฝ่าฝืนกฎส่วนใหญ่ยินยอมจะจ่ายค่าปรับ แต่จะไม่หยุดการเดินไปเล่นมือถือไปแน่นอน
However, from an interview in the city of Fort Lee officials appear to have the same voice, they say, is that the vast majority of consent rule violators will pay the fine, but will not stop to play mobile site.
However, based on interviews with officials in Fort Lee appeared that they were told was that the law violates the agreement to pay the fine. But do not stop to play phone, of course.
However, after interviewing staff in the city Fort Lee that they told me the same thing ว่าผู้ violating most agree to pay a penalty. But would not stop walking to play cell phone.