Study and analyze the issues.The original warehouse storage Selective Rack storage products group is Oral Care products clean mouth and teeth toothpaste products must be stored with the requirements as set GMP. (Good Manufacturing Practice), which is the basic requirements to requirements in production and control to produce manufacturer follow and apply cosmetics and food safely is 6. The terms defined as follows 1. Location and building manufacturing 2. Machine tools and production equipment 3. Process control 4 sanitation 5. บารุ maintenance and cleaning, 6. Personnel hygiene and paint cannot save the store adjacent to or other products have ทั้งที่พื้นที่ shelves is empty, because it will make wrong to requirements set. GMP apply warehouse storage space, the overall loss of space to store per day is not enough to ารรองรับ production affecting the disruption of the production line, warehouse storage. With the process of admission Selective Rack goods from the end of the production line to store the goods to the warehouse, the slow and steps in the work a lot and have staff in the work a lot of car plate vestale forklift in moving cars these costs per month is very high, unit of sesame. In the warehouse, and tended to increase but the performance from the performance decrease therefore apply detailed study and information of product categories. Oral Care storage warehouse storage and Selective Rack warehouse, automatic material applied to restore and the performance on warehouse cost by the author analyzed the actual cost ใช้ทฤษฎี warehouse and logistics with cost reduction combined to provide information and results analysis. The most accurate?
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