To learn the etiquette of eating on the table. There are many different, starting with the body straight. Do not put a napkin come tuck at the neck. Finished before the President are prohibited as honor Chairman of the knife and fork. Use from the outside comes in, respectively, in the plain, and then using a knife and fork of the pair. If there is a knife and fork laid several on both the left and the right, make use of time vehicles, according to the food being served, respectively. Starting from eating a bread in the left hand disk. If picked up, please do not remove the night. The following menu is smoked salmon with horseradish cream sauce It's bland and has a mild flavor The next, a coconut flavored seafood cream soup to eat soup, soup scoop from the closest outward. It's sweet main dish is Grilled tuna. steak with lime and pepper butter using a knife and fork, use the left hand grips the fork upside down and right hand, catching the fish knife into the mouth at all. Without the use of a spoon, It's sour. Finally, dessert is Frozen grand manier parfait orally without having It looks and sour dilicious.
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