Because everything must have a cost and the cost of purchasing the raw material supply is the food. And there are many students in the school. The quantity of food it provided enough for the number of students in both schools and the cost of raw material, food, cooking and more. And from school expenses must be borne for free lunch may result in being charged higher term. In the rate of expenses, which will result in parents having to pay the higher price, term. That may be a problem with some of the families with more income to pay the difference.In the area of employment may have to use more of the kitchen because cooking is required, so that all the students for the school, which would make the regulations might need to be charge to hire Cook higher again. And Cook's earnings might not be sufficient compensation because the average person want to cook. And in the matter of the quality of the food may not be good enough, which may include materials used to cook overnight in order to save costs, which might make it impact on health of the students in the school. And in coaching skills to learn. Spending and saving money. The food was distributed free of charge to the students in the school of management, lack of personal expenses. Students are not taught to organize the use of correctly paid. There will be no practice revenue expenditure account may result in a savings in store in the future is unknown. If the free lunches, distribution should be changed to reduce the price or sell at the best price is better, because the students will learn. The value of money. To keep the savings, and the school will not have to bear the burden, expense, meals, all free of charge. In a country where the vast majority of schools, Thailand is still based on the system. Picking up lunch for students, the school and the various officials involved have income and cash flows are in good. Do not owe any additional expenses. And there is a financial problem occurs through the rest of school funding will have to be updated and the development of better teaching or creative media to better teaching or in other sections that are essential for the education of the students in the school are really to enhance education in the school of the future, which is a really naughty school institutions. Thank you
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