The most popular shopping street Khan classic rim Khong side."Khan", where many people go by current or future demand and other analysts said. People may go just because it has taken other people to give him/her a Fox, but there are some bright, fall in love, "....." Khan, but not that anyone here who will visit Chiang Khan. With this small territory, according to the nature, culture and people smile, always seen together and apart from these things, and then there is also called Khan Street classic line that encompasses both drop sides with old wooden house. That is not from the street."The road" Khong "is the name of a short road along the Mekong River with a length of less than 3 kilometers normally on weekdays. The atmosphere is quiet, simple rural life is not different from other villagers in the morning to wake up, but came the morning before moving to work in accordance with its obligation of anyone but the afternoon kae of the weekend. This road is two many travelers at the same time to parade in the day. Make a holiday in this bustling street. Lively, modern, eyes so come up Sun umbrella in the wind by the time the fall out for a walk that night.Walking Street Chiang has products of folk art. Contemporary art, clothing, souvenirs, and the lack of food is not eaten with a variety of. Whole foods store is a native menu and a la carte lines, such as wet rice congee topped with spicy fried noodles, etc. are called if they have hio went belly or eat each other their shops spread floating panel out of selling candy and snacks, snack, until the eye pattern roast whole fried rice. Char grilled shrimp fried rice. I-shaggy cotton Te kite maboran steamed bread cracker custard. Tea, coffee, fruit juice, water, ginger, fresh milk and too many to recite all the same. Who would eat anything like what the same selection as you like that if you were to taste until they all have to live together for several days, please!Enough already, crowded shopping a bit. Souvenir shop on the street, there are also many beaches Mekong rice bags, cloth horse blankets hand made crafts people who brought sales in the budget or if anyone likes their new ideas to put the item in the work piece, see according to the souvenir shop to shop shop shop idea DD. Utsunomiya shop restaurant the defendant love Yu a ... Never made love to shop, stay, etc. Try to find a trendy design, write postcards to send to your friends (or be sent to a bit. It's interesting to see the facilities and the best! In addition to postcards and these stores still have the t-shirt screen printing and other souvenir that they want all people to appreciate and accept certain people.Although the street is just a short Khan road, but that will improve travel to every alley, it takes time. Because each store also has a great idea to decorate the restaurant. Do remove to stop shooting each other almost all the walk through the store. In addition, each merchant merchant store was cute. Good together everyone, feels like coming home, relatives, however. Fun time and do not want to go home! If anyone has been to the Khan, it is recommended to look for opportunities to stay at Chiang Khan show. They will have to make.
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