The history and the benefits of newsprint of pencil from newsprint
.The history about 60 years BC. Roman era that civilization even more pleasant, จักรพรรดิจูเลียส. Caesar commanded the scribes copying of his statement The daily news of the government.The notice called "axis eye Di una" (Acta diuna) is the prototype newspapers, while the East in China have birth to newspapers. Xing target (Tsing Pao) published a story about the government office since B.Professor 1043
from a piece of news. The evolution is the newsletter and books, news, a news report on trade, politics, and develop a newspaper which occurs after. BC1997, Johann Gutenberg, the German printers and printing invention, and Williams Sax application the printer to use in England Development Press better respectively. The first newspaper happened.Relation Order Zeitung printed up in Germany when B.Professor 2152 but not daily, until 1925.2165 England gather Daily News printing released weekly in the name A Weekly News London is the first edition of the newspaper world. The news happened in the European region. Is new received enough attention. But into weekly.The first is the world's first day angstrom is Edwards, mal methacrylate book The Daily Courant first edition issued on the 11 March. B.Prof.2245 open a new world by offering the article reviews society columnist is Daniel Defoe famous, he attacked the government reviews and how religious practices of Christ. Like the people but is offended king and popes.But a good friend equipment stationery. Defoe was to figure out the newspaper. How is he is the author of news or articles from the fact that a friend sent from the outside is already exported to print that the origin of the principles.Or compilation news or the daily newspapers in the United States Rewriting first out in the state pension, Pennsylvania. When B.Professor 2326 named. Pennsylvania Eve Ning post and daily ad server Tai sir (Pennsylvania Evening post and Daily Advertiser)
.Newspapers in the country. The evolution of the newspapers in the country. Starting from the reign of 3 by American missionary group, is the owner and editor, which Dr. Dan beech Bradley out.The name หนังสือจดหมายเหตุ (Marilyn Monroe - English:The Bangkok Recorder) type with the Thai and English, but was not 2 years must shut down, after which there are newspapers out several copies. The weekly, biweekly and yearly, including Bangkok calendar.Such as Bangkok daily ad Virginia Tai se (English:Bangkok Daily Advertiser) and Siam daily ad Virginia Tai se (English:Siam Daily Advertiser) later, the reign of King 4 providers. Thai newspapers named Gazette to clarify the news program. Newspapers published in Dr. Dan beech Bradley.In the reign of 5 started a Thai newspaper first published to the public, the name ดรุ mano ideology and newspaper circulation is very high. Until the system to deliver the book. Which became the origin of the business post.(English:Court - Kotka) in this era, the newspapers awake. The Angstrom to 59 of his reign 6 business newspapers too advanced.. the Thai newspapers like China nose guard var vocabulary, กรุงเทพเดลิเมล์ newspaper Thai Rath, etc., or the English newspapers such as The Bangkok Times continued through King 7 have newspapers 55 version by the famous.The daily nation, which influence the readers, especially intellectuals, highly active political, economic and social, the reign of 8 continuously to the present reign. Newspapers began to be controlled by the government, and when B.Professor 2501 coup led by field marshal Sarit thanarat. Newspapers fall under the control ของประกาศ revolutionary party. In this era have newspapers 31 version. Such as glory (2495-2513), daily news (2507 - present), the dailymail (2493-2501),Rath (2492 - present), เสียงอ่างทอง (2500-2507), Thai daily (2512 -), vanguard (2495-2506), Democracy (2502 -), division (2489 - present),. Siam Nikon (2481-2512), substance free (2497-2508), revoked certificate (2493 - present), the Thai Kingdom (2501-2504) etc.
.Newspapers are the main content is to propose new events occurring both in and outside the country, such as politics, news crime news, economic news. Sports news and entertainment news. The use of picture content.In addition, may be more special, such as various resources at the air and cartoon, which generally is a cartoon parody politics. And when you finish reading, most people will bring newspapers away.So the invention is useful to reduce the amount of newsprint to low down the invention can also be used in an office so beautiful as well!
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