The Thai nation in General can be divided into 3 seasons are as follows:1. the summer Starting around mid-February to mid-May2. rainy season Beginning about mid-May to mid-October.3. the winter Starting around mid-October to mid-February.The summer starts around mid-February through mid-may range, which is a change from the North-East monsoon. As the southwest monsoon and the North Pole is facing into the Sun, especially at Thai country-April. The Sun almost on knife tonngot overhead at noon. To get the heat from the Sun that is full. It vents air condition in General In this season, even though the weather is typically hot and dry but cool air mass may sometimes from China. Flatten down the Thai nation poured on mapok cause a clash of air masses cool with hot air mass that covered the northern Thai country. That caused thunderstorms and strong winds or hail may be to shout out, causing damage. Thunderstorms that occur in this season is often known as a summer storm.
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