Phra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya Historical Park 1. Phra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya Historical Park area has 1, 810 acres, located within the district Phra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya of Ayutthaya island. Phra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya province away from Bangkok, about 75 km to the North, Department of fine arts has announced the registration sites in the Ayutthaya Historical Park. An area of 1, 810 Rai 2. Historic before the King ramathibodi I (Chulalongkorn) will establish the period 1893 in 1982, academics believe the area is located in the town house, then called the drug or dismissed yothaka Ayodhya Sri Ram Nagar is located in gods service.The area in the East outside the island of Ayutthaya. Evidence of ancient places of mayeng Temple. Ayodhya Temple, including the Royal Chronicle features the new ฐอักษร Ka ติ์ discussed the construction of the Buddha called the Phra Chao sheng phanaeng. Buddha of WAT phanan choeng, stated that it created before God, u thong of Ayutthaya to establish 26 years will be shaped by location of Ayutthaya city Island style. There are 3 important rivers are the river surrounded by wires. The river PA SAK and Lopburi River makes the land fertile and there is water transportation terminals as well as a natural fortress. In order to prevent the enemy's capital at Ayutthaya, the enemies can power over neighboring towns have a long time. Bank of ayudhya is central to economic growth and trade, built one of the most important. In Southeast Asia, among the 21-23 are all foreigners from Asia and Europe, such as Japan, China, India, Persian Arabic Spain Portugal France holanda and added most of the sea trade with with diplomatic relations.Some Nations, receives land for Royal resettled households, and places of worship by the station, the village of foreigners mainly outside the town, there is only one Chinese. Hindu and Muslim, just some of them, which is closely related to the Court only received authorization to build the Grand paradise tea house is located within the town. In addition, the growing period. Progress on governance The Court of law. The social system. The religion. Fine art painting sculpture architecture, culture, tradition, language, literature, and the arts and Sciences of the duriyangoksin people in dramatized Thailand in the Ayutthaya Kingdom had to accumulate, which has inherited and developed later in Thonburi and old until today 3. Important sites The survey found only ruins, both inside and outside the city walls in the 425 has mentioned only the major sites in the island city, which covers an area of, and the area north and West of the island city. There are already a number of sites in the survey, all designed, consisting of 95 1) The ancient Palace or the Royal Palace. The ancient Palace is located to the North of Wat Phra Si sanphet. Lopburi River But, please God Foundation, the current seat of the various elements, because it was destroyed when the city waste time 2 time this ancient Palace, built in the reign of trailokanat. When he dedicated his library with a viewing area that created nathian. The reign of King ramathibodi I (Chulalongkorn) as 2 Wat Phra Si sanphet) Wat Phra Si sanphet Temple was the most important of the period, the original King ramathibodi I (Chulalongkorn) creation of God in paradise to visit this area later that nathian Prince World Hotel in Q1.Thadai he devoted a specific area of viewing God in Paradise nathian, In the Palace for the ceremony and that his design practice charitable 3) WAT ratchaburana borommarachathirat at 2 (third Prince), established in 1982, 1967 which was the funeral. AI Phraya and Chao Yi Phraya owner. His elder sibling, both 2, where Buddha died because his tussle battle 4) wihaan Phra mongkol bophit Phra mongkol bophit a bronze Buddha images. One of the biggest elements in the country, Thailand. That assumes that built in Ayutthaya period beginning when field marshal p. pibulsongkram 2499 (1956) While the Prime Minister's Office has been restored entirely new wihaan Phra mongkol bophit as shown today. In addition, in the Ayutthaya Historical Park, there are also other major sites such as Wat Phra RAM Temple, wonphot Temple, Wat thammikarat alarm Sen. Wonchettha RAM Temple. The fine arts Department has taken the traditional city of Ayutthaya under the name. Phra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya Historical Park project. When 2525 (1982) 2534 (1991), and later in the Ayutthaya Historical Park have been honored as world cultural heritage site, along with Sukhothai Historical Park SI satchanalai Historical Park and the kamphaeng Phet Historical Park.
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