2.1) Definition Clues: guess from the definition / definition
. ").".).). It vocabulary directly clear. We know. = back or 1 = 2 according to teach it brackets [...] used to dominate to modify a noun (relative clause) to help us understand the long sentences, the easier, like to look in the Mammoth.
"samples" Hi 1.) v. "). To be include is / are / was / were = is.").). ").").
.). A.). Mammoth is a mammal [that lived. During the Ice Ages]. ").
.. ")."). "A mammoth,, is the kinkajou living in the ice age"
"2.)" mean = mean / mean. "" Oh.
. A.). Glacier means an extremely large mass of ice [which moves very slowly often), down a mountain valley]. ").").
.. Boeing glacier means the ice giant very slow moving usually flows from the mountain. ลงสู่ Valley)
3.) "is / are known as = known. .. Oh
. "Triangles [that are the same shape and size] are known as congruent triangles. Oh. Oh. Oh
.. "). The triangle shape and the same size with known triangle that rate every
2.2) Punctuation Clues: guess from punctuation
.. ").").,. Punctuation behind vocabulary words. A tell the meaning. "Explain more about vocabulary in front.
first example Oh comma (,) oh
"1.)"). You can take, an escalator. Moving staircase up to, the second floor. ").".). (n.).) escalator = a moving staircase (elevator)
the second example. Parentheses (brackets)
. "1.) oh Traffic signs tell drivers. And pedestrians (walkers) what to do and what not to do while driving riding and, walking
. ").".).). (n.) pedestrians. Walkers (pedestrian))
2.3) Restatement and Synonym Clues:Guess from repetitive or word like
. ").".).). Observations from the or or observed from the pool of repeated or explain vocabulary repetition
. Oh. Oh. Oh
"1 examples.) The dromedary or commonly, called a camel stores fat, in its hump."). ".)."). ").
.).".). Dromedary,.,. Or, normally called CamelStore fat in their humps.. oh
. "" or "or" or commonly called "that dromedary can call. Another one. The camel. ").".). Dromedary is dromedary
2.) "Some plants catch and eat insects. They are called carnivorous or. Insect-eating. "). Plants. Boeing.
... Some plants catch and eat insects. They are called carnivorous or carnivorous carnivorous = insect-eating
.. ").").,.). The first sentence said that plants eat insects And emphasize again with "or insect-eating plants most clearly. But don't forget to teach, translated from back to front, insect-eating plants Carnivorous plants, not insects eat plants
2.4) Contrast and Antonym Clues:Guess from the antonym)
. ").").,. Performance was compared to tell the difference, conflict or conflict. As such, even, but although, if even though, he said, comparison, however in to in contrast (to), in opposition to in spite of instead,,, Of nevertheless on the other hand,,,Whereas while as example,
1.) The man, was portly but his wife was thin..... HMM. oh
.. ").").,.). The man portly but his wife thin, Boeing, see "but" or "however" knew that the โยคห aunt and after a conflict or the opposite. "I guess portly suggests not thin or not thin enough." portly means is in the shape of fat.And used with most men)
2.) "The science project was easy whereas the, math homework was arduous."). ".). Boeing.
.. ").".).). Project science easily. While math homework arduous. ")." "whereas." is one that shows the conflict of the front and back as so. Since science projects easily.That is arduous = not easy (difficult). ").").,.
2.5) Example Clues: guess from example.) oh
.),.).). To instantiate as to make the word or text that means more clearly. As such, such as for example for, Boeing, instance like
the first example. "Such as
) 1.)), Most condiments such as pepper mustard and,, Ketchup.Are used to improve the flavor of foods. ").)."). ").
.).). Condiments. Mainly, such as pepper, mustard sauce? เขีอ and country. Be used to flavor food. ").? oh
.. ").".).). Condiments = food seasoning, it can be concluded from the sample that is, pepper, mustard and sauce? Write อเท Prof. All of what we used to season all lit
the second example) Example 1.) This third grade was full of precocious. Children, For example.One child had learned to read at two and another could do algebra at the age of 6. ").".). Boeing.
.. ").".). Elementary school years. 3 room filled with children precocious as a child learn to read from the 2 years old and one man can do algebra. (equation solution) from the age of 6 years from sample (for example) can guess right that these children.Or a child prodigy precocious = very, cleverMature and good at something Boeing, sometimes, we see the abbreviation e.g. Know that its meaning was for example.
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