บทความนี้เป็นเรื่องราวเกี่ยวกับ william kamkwamba ซึ่งมีเหตุการที่ทำให้เขาเกิดแรงบันดาลใจในการสร้าง windmill เพื่อผลิตพลังงานไฟฟ้าใช้เอง เขาเกิดและเติบโตขึ้นในชนบท malawi ใน africa
This article is about william kamkwamba story, which has been his inspiration for creating a windmill to produce electricity. He was born and raised in rural malawi in africa.
This article is about william kamkwamba which is the reason that he was inspired to build a windmill to generate electricity for their own use. He was born and grew up in rural malawi africa.
This article is about the William Kamkwamba which is that he was inspired to create windmill to produce electrical energy used. He was born and grew up in the countryside Malawi in Africa.