Kings Royal development project Director, ....... medical and public health Thailand. H.m. Maha mongkhon 85 years birthday Dec. 5, 2012. National Institute of emergency medicine, has gathered the opinions as he is the King who gave to the people of Thailand, especially the subjects of medicine and public health. Mean if we have degraded, it will not be possible to develop the resources of the nation because the nation is that citizens themselves ... " His remark of his Majesty, that reflects the anxiety and suffering of each subjects, particularly in terms of health, he will see that many important projects to give to people in early stage development, health projects, but it is plain to see that people are people and the complete body strength will also lead to better mental health, and causes great economic and social development. The remark of one of that “... To maintain the integrity of the body to be strong and of a good economy and a stable society, because of the strong body. The result is usually a healthy mind and healthy, with good body and mind with a must, there are economic and social benefits of the creation of the land nor full den society are but the author does impede progress ... " For projects in the initiative such as medical and public health. Project Unit, Royal physician Lord God, please, please, doctor of the Church by regularly checking and keeping patient ranging sadet January 29 2512 (1969) when. Spirit of God Royal tribal projects and found that the people who came for his illness is fever. It consists of the Royal treatment from doctors and doctor training villages are helps solve health problems. Phaphonamai of the people who live in remote areas and obstacles that are difficult to take care of the regular system to most people, especially the poor and lack the knowledge to care for ourselves. The doctors give out treatment The patient will give people a chance to get. To heal properly without any loss of funds and for. The village doctor training to help people with knowledge about how a medical protection and know how to communicate with the Government in the event that surpasses the ability to care for self. Itself to solve the problem in the long term. Who could say that the project will enrich the medical unit to solve the problem. In the areas as follows: 1. as a result of health directly to help resolve. Problems with illness or disability has a many years. The number of people, all or almost all of divine grace in the treatment received from a doctor at Royal Thai rural poor whose career as a farmer and a majority of the country's people. A number of the figures that appear in each year, there will be people that are getting sick from all the sectors that have been. Divine grace to receive them as a patient at the Royal rachanukhro a patient. In the hospital and get checked as well as the doctor's mobile unit, as there are various villages along the sadet many thousands tens of thousands of people. 2. economic The problem is that the people getting sick in the careers of people who mostly are farmers who want to use the internal capacity to do so. When you are happy with the treatment of the city consists of images and the people they can have a body that can fight with hard work in the occupation. That will be the result, Better economy, global society. Medical Mobile, Royal capital projects. เริ่มเมื่อ พ.ศ. 2510เพื่อ ตรวจรักษาราษฎรในท้องถิ่นทุรกันดาร โดยไม่คิดมูลค่า และถ้าจำเป็นก็จัดส่งไปยังโรงพยาบาลในจังหวัดต่างๆ ที่พระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัวเสด็จแปรพระราชฐานประทับแรม และในท้องถิ่น ต่างๆ ที่ห่างไกลตัวเมืองมาก ได้ทรงพระกรุณาโปรดเกล้า ฯ ให้จัดเจ้าหน้าที่แพทย์ พยาบาล เครื่องมือเครื่องใช้ ตลอดจนยารักษาโรค ออกทำการตรวจรักษาและพยาบาลราษฎรโดยไม่คิดมูลค้าในท้องถิ่นกันดารในพื้นที่จังหวัดเพชรบุรี ราชบุรีและประจวบคีรีขันธ์ โครงการหน่วยแพทย์พระราชทานประกอบด้วยการบำบัดรักษาจากคณะแพทย์พระราชทาน และการอบรมหมอหมู่บ้านเพื่อเป็นการช่วยแก้ไขปัญหาด้านสุขภาพอนามัยของราษฎรที่อยู่ในพื้นที่ห่างไกล Medical specialty projects according to whim. Project initiation project that studies the whim meant to perform his part with experts in various disciplines. When it works, and then he applied to benefit the people. By medical specialty projects according to whim. Began to relieve the pain of 2517 (1974) people at estates. Create their own development in southern Narathiwat Province to turn suddenly district. This estate has a sanitary station is only deign Church Ministry of health medical supply. Circulation services to maintain Doctors and officials from Narathiwat hospital and hospital Surat-lok out 2 times per week is operating. Mobile dental units granted At 2512 (1969) His Majesty has ratchaprarop is a "time had problems with the teeth, dental care and time are people far away are helping to preserve the dentist?" Later, he indicates that there are dentists and provincial hospital-based only. Some provinces did not have. He received orders "to keep poor people that have problems with teeth. Have stopped travelling to doctor's farm is more difficult. On the contrary, If you are a mobile service to the public, it will resolve the problem. " His Majesty, so he said, "I want to be a doctor, helping to care for the suffering, and people who are students at the local kandan far. The doctor and take out all the expenses, as required by the mobile unit went by car and crawl along the roads by village address. Far. The rural areas ". Royal dental unit, thus causing.
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