. ถ้าหากหล่อนไม่อยู่สายหรือไม่สะดวกในการรับ ก็ต้องบอกว่า I'm sorry, she is not here. Would you like to leave a message? หรือ I'm sorry, but she is busy and can not come to the phone right now. ก็ได้
If she is not., or it is not easy to get, it must be said that I'm sorry, she is not here you Would like to leave. a message I'm sorry? ", but she is busy and can not come to the phone right now.
. If she is not on the line or not, it's easy to get to say I'm sorry, she is not here. Would you like to leave a message? Or I'm sorry, but she is busy and can not come to the phone right now. Any.
If she wasn"t late or not easy to get, it must be said that I "m sorry she is, not here. Would you like to leave a message?? Or I "m sorry but she, is busy and can not come to the phone right now. Okay.