Our emotions are sad crying laughing, like happiness, fun, and sometimes emotional, causing a quarrel. Causing a conflict caused by not understanding each other, but on the contrary, the mood is make everything the same, such as bright with love and enjoying the pleasure, fun and much more. These things it makes our life meaningful and valuable.The brain is responsible for emotional control and to provoke, Yun. Activities related with the nervous liberal (ณืคือระบบ This is controlled by the nervous system in the brain (Center of zero for the romkhuam unit of the powerful emotional impact associated with emotion (the three-way together is the Hypothalamus. Related to the emotional three-way: 1) receptor receptor neural impulse from the past through the hypothalamus, or may be close. When traveling to the cortex through neural impulse 2) from the cortex to the hypothalamus in some situations, such as the idea of the memory. The decision, etc. may induce activity in hypothalamus and neural impulse 3) may be delivered from the hypothalamus to the various organs and muscles.
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