Children who are not good at math May have the ability to use language
children who are not good at math and language arts can be an excellent way
for children to normal IQ. Sports can be a genius
IQ lower than normal children. May be a musical genius
child a high IQ. I could not stand it any
child who is not good at math, language arts, music, sport and
was able to live happily. Many friends Like to say a child smarter. Or are you more or less. If we bring the intelligence or IQ. Currently used as a gauge. It might work just the same. It was only a matter of language, logic, math and spatial only partially. There are many aspects that can not be measured with current test covers such things as musical talent. Skill Sports And artistic talent Etc. Professor Howard Gardner (Howard Gardner), Harvard University psychologist. The one who tried to explain that the capabilities provided by a "theory of multiple intelligences" (Theory of Multiple Intelligences) suggests that. There are many aspects of human intelligence are equally important. Depending on who is striking in some aspects. Then each combination Express is capable of anything. Is unique to each person in the year 2526, Gardner has proposed that human intelligence has at least seven aspects of language, logic and mathematics. Spatial The body movements and interpersonal music. And to understand their own later in the year 2540 has added another one aspect of Natural History. To be able to explain it more comprehensive. It was concluded that the concept of multiple intelligences, Gardner. The current wisdom in at least eight areas: 1. Linguistic intelligence (Linguistic Intelligence) is the ability to use language in different ways. Since native language So far, other languages can recognize and understand English language can convey to others that you like. People with this intelligence is often characterized as a poet, writer, orator, journalist, teacher, lawyer or politician second. Intelligence, logic and mathematics (Logical-Mathematical Intelligence) is the ability to think and reason. Abstract thinking Thinking forecast And mathematical calculations People with this intelligence is often characterized as accountants, statisticians, mathematicians, researchers, scientists. Programmers or engineers 3. spatial intelligence. (Visual-Spatial Intelligence) is capable of visual perception as well. Overlooking shape, distance and position relative coherence. Then transfer seamlessly expression Is sensitive to the perception of the direction. For those with this remarkable intelligence. It is both science and art through science, often as an inventor, engineer and science was always an artist in various fields such as drawing, painting, painter, illustrator, designer, photographer or an architect, sculpture, etc. 4. Physical, cognitive and movement. (Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence) is the ability to control and express thoughts, feelings, using the organs of the body including the ability to use the invention. Agility, strength, speed, flexibility, precision and sensitivity to sensory. For those with this remarkable intelligence. Athletes often Or a multidisciplinary artist, actor, dancer, dance, ballet or Acrobat 5. Musical intelligence (Musical Intelligence) is the ability to absorb. Musical and aesthetic access The hearing perception, recognition and composer. Can rhythm, melody and musical structure as well. And broadcast out by the hum rap beats played and sang for people with this remarkable intelligence. Often the musicians Bard Singer or six. Interpersonal intelligence (Interpersonal Intelligence) is the ability to understand others. The thinking, feeling, emotions and intentions hidden within. The sensitivity of observing facial expression, tone of voice can respond appropriately. Make friends easily negotiate conflicts. Can motivate others well The intelligence that is required in all. But for those whose intelligence is outstanding. Often teachers Counselor diplomats salesman direct sales. Receptionist PR politicians or businessmen seventh. Issues of self-understanding (Intrapersonal Intelligence) is the ability to recognize. Self-realization Can outsmart themselves Assertive controlled by circumstance and situation knows when to bluff. How to Avoid When to seek help Look own reality. Knowing the weaknesses Or their own shortcomings At the same time, I know their strengths. Or the ability of any knowledge about the emotions, thoughts, desires and expectations of its own, literally. The intelligence that is required in all as well. To be able to live in a decent and happy for those who have this remarkable intelligence. Often, a thinker, a philosopher or researcher eight. Naturalist intelligence (Naturalist Intelligence) is the ability to recognize. And a profound understanding of nature Understanding the rules of natural phenomena and creating sensitivity to observe. To forecast the likelihood of nature. Capable of classification. Distinguish the types of organisms The flora and fauna For those with this remarkable intelligence. Often, a geologist Scientists, researchers or explore nature , this theory has been applied widely in the process of learning. To ensure maximum performance The emphasis on three main issues : 1. Each person should be encouraged to use the intellectual property right. An essential tool for learning 2. In activities to promote learning. There should be a variety of formats In order to maximize the many intellectual aspects 3. To assess learning Should be measured by a variety of tools To be able to cover
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