09:45 David大胃@D Cubic D立方 May client likes the design, (Hana) so please send me plan layout so I can confirm with client
09:45 ..may.. kaa.
09:45 David大胃@D Cubic D立方 And we can start sketch up for this one
09:45 ..may.. Stickers
10:01 ..may.. layout plan op1.pdf
10:06 David大胃@D Cubic D立方 May please hatch wall
10:07 David大胃@D Cubic D立方 Also sliding door for washroom
10:07 David大胃@D Cubic D立方 Small bed room floor line
10:08 David大胃@D Cubic D立方 Dining table maybe change to smaller one
10:08 David大胃@D Cubic D立方 Try the tv wall on other side as op2
10:09 David大胃@D Cubic D立方 Don't forget the display unit in living or dining room
10:11 ..may.. ka.
for this one
เหมือนกันทั้ง 2