Be punctual!This rule is a rule is the most important one. Don't let foreigners may be a boss or colleagues look down on us, "people ไม่มีวินัย like late" or "do whatever is Thai."But don't make it become คำติด your mouth. To use as an excuse when you are often late. You need time to travel before leaving the house. Study and route planning your trip carefully. So that you will be shot.And the bad impression with your foreign colleagues
.Recent comments
.People often shy and dare not show. Even if people are foreigners. More like what shut us to dare not comment. Please look at foreigners that colleagues Thai man.Any suggestions about the job, don't keep your heart alone. Speak and comments that you are released. To the boss or colleagues acknowledge your thoughts. An opportunity for him to see your ability.Working as a team work smooth And progress in working with your own
.Dare offer different ideas
.In working with foreigners. If you are kind-hearted person is a compromise, we want you to reduce, these habits down a bit. Because the diffident may create conflict in work together more easily.He was willing to follow his orders or offer. Finally the problems and conflicts in the work, it happened. When you have opinions conflict with colleagues or alien boss.Display stand, you have to clear. We believe that they will listen to reason, you have. , and applied to find out the perfect certainly
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