Tuesday, May 29, 1937 2555.Marco Polo: the great traveler foreverMarco Polo: the great traveler forever The travel notes of Marco Polo (Marco Polo), which tells the story of remarkable and interesting in a territory that has never had any Westerner ever to come before the. As an inspiration to all modern era every time longer than 700 years have interest to travel to fascinating lands klaiphon to discover what's new. Christopher Columbus discovered America in the 15th century, inspired by the reading of Marco's travel log. Polo, who earned a reputation as a great traveler, forever.Marco Polo Marco Polo born 1254 year at Venice his father name, new colony, Polo (Nicolo Polo) is a businessman who likes to go out, trading in a foreign land. Now that Marco Polo was born. Daddy-o Fe Polo and maf (Maffeo Polo) travel to the peninsula, the Kai bar ramia. The southern part of the country currently in Ukraine it is the influence of power from Central Asia is being spread to Europe. In the year 1260, has caused a war between the 2 famous buildings of ngakit children, and father of Marco Polo to dodge the war to Kara (Bukhara), Bubu, Othman is currently at around sabe kis. His father, Marco Polo with diplomats of famous buildings (Kublai Khan) 6th kup (r. 1214-1294), which has two-person solicitation, travel to famous buildings who are 6th kup wishes to know the people and cultures of the people of Latin. New colony Polo and brother did agree and traveled to Beijing (or those so called cam BA rose "Cambaluc,"), both into the famous buildings in 1266 6th kup Mongol rule in China and has established Yuan dynasty rule in 1264 as famous buildings of natda kup Lai of famous buildings in the j-ngakit.The Mongol Empire's era has spread widely extended impression of famous buildings is a large interested 6th kup curious stories and beliefs of many European and therefore has asked for the new colony, Polo and his brother returned to the home audience monk San Spa, sends a tapa with Holy oil from 100 people and The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem Metropolitan Cathedral come back offering him. New colony, Polo and his brother traveled back to t-town hometown Venice in years. 1269, Marco Polo, while the age of 15 years old have an opportunity to find a father for the first time. Devil da Marco Polo had died before the Hotel da Marco. Polo will return to little house. In 1271, Marco Polo, which at that time was 17 years of age were asked to travel the track and back to China with his father along with his statement that God krekkori 10 tapa Paris Mignon (Pope Gregory X) the Holy oil with two monks (who has fled back to after they leave a little.) The three men Polo family, departed from Jerusalem Metropolitan in 1272, and it takes too long, it's almost 3 years and a half at the city (Shang-tu) at ngatu tea in summer of 6th kup famous buildings. Land travel to China. The family traveled through Polo in many different lands, including Ana Puerto Italia (Asia minor), the Caucasus, the Middle East and Central Asia. Before crossing the plateau Palace Premier (Pamir), which is higher than 5000 metres as the roof of the world. Marco Polo had told it in the record that during the journey on the plateau Palace Premier. The fire is also working very hard to find food because the fire didn't stick. In the sky flying birds, they rarely have seen. After that you can climb across the plateau Palace Premier. The family traveled across the desert, Polo, Kochi b which is well to fear of demons and the brutality of the weather. Later, at a desert Beach find Dan Dan the last natural key. Polo family walk into County, China (North), which Marco Polo called the price (Cathay), the total distance across the thawipkwa 5600 miles. In the summer of 1951 1275 Polo family at Chateau ngatu City (approximately 180 miles from Beijing) that summer of kup kup famous buildings and into the Lai Lai famous buildings there. 6th kup endu Marco Polo now famous buildings which, while it has been 21 years old specially make Marco Polo had a chance to work to serve 6th kup famous buildings. In view of the klopok to dominate China. Mongol, the trust found at foreigners than Chinese people. After a long 17 years is China Polo family began emerging anxiety to their future. If what happened to the famous buildings which he programmed 6th kup (aged 80 years to close.) The family was told to my Polo kup Lai famous buildings. Request permission to return home. In the first, he allowed no 6th kup famous buildings. However, in 1292, hereditary of gun (Arghun) designed for Persian, which was the famous buildings Mongol Princess of death. R-gun diplomacy came to famous buildings submitted asks kup Lai Mongol Princess sent to famous buildings is the wife of the new element. Polo has volunteer families take Princess Koka Shin (Kokachin) commemorate Yun 17 birthday present given to famous buildings built famous buildings have Persian kup Lai Jai must grant family travel Polo brought the Princess to Shin-Koka famous buildings designed for Persian. This time the journey use the lanes using the boat there was a large passenger aircraft cargo 14, 600 people travelling through Japan Islands. Champa, which lies south of the country, Viet Nam today. Sumatra Langkawi Island island of Nicobar Islands in India Ocean into Persian Gulf. The trip takes up to two years, with more than 600 passengers who survived to reach the remaining destinations only 18 people since the disease hurts. The storm and the robbery of the pirates. Permanent monitoring and Princess Koka Shin traveled to Persia in 1294, when the arrival of the guests know afterwards how r gun famous buildings have died. The Princess married Koka Shin has the flavor of an sek gun famous buildings instead. It is unfortunately that Princess Koka Shin he lives only two years that Persia, death. During the stay at the Polo family in Persia. death of kup Lai famous buildings. After 6th kup famous buildings died in 1294, the Kingdom of power began to deteriorate rapidly. In 1368 were the Mongol China. The family traveled from Persia Polo land success.
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