Reuters / AFP - found seven dead bodies of young children in the apartment of one of Bavaria. Southern Germany While police said on Friday (13 November) that they are searching for 45-year-old woman who used to rent this building. Brought to interrogation "authorities found the bodies of several dead infants. Police and prosecutors believe that is believed to be around seven bodies, "police stated in a statement. Confirms that is looking for a woman aged 45 years who had been residing in this apartment. It is located in the town of Val Lane Braunfels. "I am wanted At least the possibility that she will be a mother, "a police spokesman said. It does not say that a woman is being considered as suspects or police investigations revealed that the Board of Forensic Medicine for an autopsy. And specify that this process may take some time. Due to bad condition of the body parts. "The results of the autopsy would not be issued before the beginning of next week," the police said they had been informed a villager in Val Lane Braunfels on Thursday afternoon (12 November) after she found the body. One baby dead inside the apartment. When officers went to the scene. They also found other more.
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