Day Hari Raja Yo (depending on the language u mala Pattani) or Hari Raya (in Mala u Center) is a festive day of Muslims all over the world, in the Muslim year 1. There are 2 days, by Hari is the match-day fitness e dyll. 1 month Shawwal, which is 10 months. Is ordained, and e the HA at dyll 10 months, Sultan-chaya, or 12 month of Islamic calendar corresponds to, which is celebrating a day off the Hajj, which for Muslims is said to visit relatives parents. A neighbor By Garry e lafit good day Every Muslim must pay. Kawasaki Ka tafit ar-donation resistance is poor destitute sections for e dyll at the sacrifice animals to slaughter-and hot as a meat distribution, raban resistance family! Camel, cow, goats can be seen as the human mind, as a donor is a considerate friend man. On the eve of Hari, yo. Muslims to return to their homeland to join religious rites consisted by unison. Bowling with friends, relatives, in order to be sorry later!
. For the rituals for it. Muslims will wake up this morning, but the graphics, especially women, to decorate the House to SA-a special beauty. Prepare the pastry food, welcome friends. Relatives and guests who come to visit Called circumcision bath Bath time from midnight start Hari Raja yo till sunset, but the best and most popular bathing circumcision is when the fresh air up the horizon for Hari Raja yo bath circumcision. A request for a blessing, and then will travel to the mosque to pray and visit relatives who already deceased in the Tomb or bo Quran located inside the mosque.
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