Animation (Animation) refers to the process in which each frame of a movie is produced separately from the individual frames and then brought together hundreds of sorted together by a continuous projection, no matter from how to use a computer, graphic, photo, drawing or photograph of the individual, while gradually shifting when it comes to shine with a speed of 16 frames per second or more. We will see that it has a continuous movement. This is because the Visual persistence in computer storage, online animation image collection that is widely used in the Internet include stores in the SVG format, MNG GIF and Flash."The animation (animation), including how to animate and animator from the Latin root words" animare ", said mamai.Make life. An animation movie, so it means the creation of lines and shapes that have no life movement was born alive.(Paul Wells , 1998 : 10 )The animation (Animation), refer to "creating an animation with a slide into a sequence and output continuously.Cause the eyes to see the animation in image persistence (Persistence of Vision) when a human eye sees the image continually mustard. Retina RA treatment. in short, about 1/3 seconds if there are other images inserted in such a period of time.The human brain will associate the two images together, demonstrating that there is animated. Although the animation is based on the same.On the video, but the animation can be applied to tasks such as movie job lot tv. Game development architectureConstruction work Science or engineering development Web site, etc. (thawisak Kanchanaburi Suwan: 2552 (2009): 222). Animation (English: animation) to create animation by multiple slides projection, with high speed.The use of computer graphics in calculating the render is called to create an animation with the computer or computer animation. If using a technique in photography or drawing or photograph of the individual, while gradually shifting to be called animation or stop motion sotop motion (stop motion) by which to create the image or frame any way. When it comes to the speed of projection from 16 frames per second or higher, we can see that it has a continuous movement. This is because the picture next to the eyes.On the other computer. Storing an animation that is widely used on the Internet. There are many file formats like GIF, Flash and SVG files for APNG MNG stores video and other categories.A summary of the meanings of the animation is to create various shapes, stripes, animated by an idea or imagination.
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