Thou shalt find the constants of the NH3 ammonia will crack when the water softener, NH4 + and OH-, if the amount of ammonia water solubility 1 dm3 mol 0.106 that balanced body, NH4 + l and OH-are equal is 1.38 x 10-3 mol.
Find the steady disintegration of NH3 ammonia dissolved in water is broken down to NH4 + and OH- If ammonia 0.106 mol of water to 1 dm3 The equilibrium dissociation and NH4 + l OH- equal 1.38 x 10-. 3 mol
Seek constant of cracking of NH3 when ammonia dissolved will break down to NH4 + and OH - if the number 0.106 dissolved ammonia mol 1 DM3. At the equilibrium is broken down to NH4 + and l OH - rate is 1.38 x 10-3 mol.