Internet usage (Internet) introductory
Basic knowledge of Internet usage (Internet) it contains the search applications. Information and data communication. In this case, the Browser Usage mentioned in the search for information and communicate information by searching for information. Search Engine and data communication will be the characteristics of communications data by E-Mail
What is the Browser
. The system Browser is a program used to search for resources on the Internet by the Browser. The user travels from one point to another, regardless of the technical details of the connection between points. And present the information as text (Text), Images (Graphics), audio (Sound) or animation (Animation) in a document on your monitor Internet Explorer usage
. Internet Explorer (IE) Browser, which is produced by the company Microsoft, which came with Microsoft Windows since Windows 98 and above, if this is Windows98, IENN4, Windows98 SE, IENN5, IENN5D5, Windows Me, Windows XP, if it is to last, it is IE6.0, so if you plan to use the Internet with IE and need to know the basic techniques for using IE with
with menus, buttons and commands.
1. command buttons in a preliminary
-Back button for return to duty for the past and Forward buttons are used for
-switch to next page (after rollback)
. -Stop button for stopping the loading data in the Web page, the Page Refresh button is used for Web pages, Page load call again.
-Home button is used to go back home or go back to the URL that is set to be the first page
. -Search button is used to search the Web site using Favorites button for the selected Web site from the Favorites or History button
Mark Book-used for back view websites that have already come to see a Mail button
-receive-send email
. -Print button for printing the page out of the printer using the Edit button for
edit-page Web Page.
2. Text Size and Encode the characters
. Determine the size of the letters and a encrypting the display language on each page of the Web Page on which we can continue to refine the size and set the language that sometimes if the user into some Web Site and unable to read Thai language. This channel Encoding, as a Thai, Thai characters. :
View menu-Text Size option-Encoding or > > select font size or language code
3.To keep your Web Site URL or Link that is used frequently in Internet usage, while the Favorites, find that a Web Site that frequently has been used to place the Link or URL of the Web page, the Page can do. Is there a way do this is
? Click the Favorites menu, click Add-to-Favorite > > page rename selected folder > storage-or create a new folder-> click OK
4.Internet Explorer uses the Offline-Offline usage, it is that we keep the Page Web page ever to visit and make a call, come and see it again. Without Internet connection Is there a way do is
? File menu-Save As option > ...-Drive and folder selected > storage-> click OK
5.Web page setup default page When I open the program Internet Explorer when a Web page page, we want to open Internet Explorer for the first time as a Web or any way to ease of use. :
Tools menu-option, click Internet > > ...-Select the tab General
-Use current Web page is to set the current Page as the first page
-Use default is set to the original value of the
-Use blank is set as blank page first page
6.Printing Web pages to page
-Preview view Web pages before printing Page how do I do this
File menu-Print Preview-click > ...
-page settings prior to printing, this is the way
File menu-Page Setup click > ...
. Web page printing-how do I do this page
File menu-Print
> click the Username clearance 7. ... and Password after it has been saved in a
. After that, we have access to any system, regardless of whether it is through the Web-based, access by. Fill in the Username and Password and Username Password and saved them, which is very dangerous. How to delete without a Username and Password to remember, we can make. :
1. click the menu Tools-Internet-click option > > ...-Select the tab Content
2. click AutoComplete-Clear Forms button > > click OK-
3. clicking the Clear Passwords-> click OK technical Internet Explorer usage
. -Holding down the right mouse button to get the menu working swiftly to keep the picture to open a new window or else
-hitting ALT left or right arrow buttons to activate the menu Back or Forward as well.
. Pressing Ctrl-N to open a new window add up
-find text in a Web page and Edit Page menu can be used to Find (on This Page), or press Ctrl F.
. -If the image is found. Can be set as a Wall Paper immediately by pressing the right mouse button. Choose Set as wallpaper
-N Ctrl button opens a new window, add it
trace information by using the Search Engine
. Search Engine is a program that acts as a Search Engine in the Internet Search system used is different. like Google (, Dogpile (, ALLTHEWEB ( Yahoo (www.yohoo.Com) etc, but in this case I will describe how to use the Google Search Engine, which is the most popular at the moment
basics in search data with Google
. Search for information with Google, it is not difficult, just type search topics (which is a word or phrase that describes the. The data that you want to search for.) In the text box, and then press the ' Enter ' or click on the button ' Search ' or ' Google search. Then Google will return results in a list of Web pages that contain content related to your search topic. By Web pages that contain information related to the most obvious appears as the first sequence (how to make the document "how to use Google. Like
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