Tradition past Orth, photoelectric smoke detectors, in the United States is to play one of the children, and waited in the day Haman โลวีน homes are decorated with chandeliers and pumpkin puppet doll straw to be a part of the harvest Festival tradition (Harvest).Each house will be preparing sweets made in the shape of a kernel corn, white yellow orange in same tablets called Corn Candy and the unleavened cakes, and other prepared waiting for the children in your neighborhood, it will be a CD-ROM Halloween Costumes fans dressed as a ghost, and he knocked at the door of the House(because there is implied meaning that welcome them) with asked, "Trick or treat?"home owners have the right to respond with a treat to give sweets to give a ghost (children), or select them as though it was, it's horrible trick Reply To challenge them to run amok, a ghost, it may be what is.Go to step up to destroy the little rice and it may end with the last cake treat children.
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