Positive things about mobile phones and how they help people (200 words)
Cell phones have changed the world. Coupled with. The Internet cell phones, have allowed human beings to, transmit information faster and more accurately than ever before. In human history.
Statista.com reports that by 2017, cell phone, users will reach 4.77 billion, globally. Meanwhile emarketer.Com reports that over half of all cell phone users globally will have smart phones by 2018.
Despite all the advantages. Afforded by, cell phones there are a number of potential negatives associated with this technology and its effect on individuals. And society. Still most people, will tell you that the positives far outweigh the negatives. And regardless cell phones,, Are certainly here to stay.
.The ability to access information transmit information, to others and connected, stay, instantaneously all, cell make phones. An indispensable technological asset for both personal and business purposes that is connected in some way to almost every. Aspect of our lives.
Specific benefits of cell phones include being able to speak with anyone in the world at, any timeAccess information instantaneously get timely, help in, emergency situations conduct business more efficiently keep abreast,, Of rapidly changing situations real time serving as, a tool for acquiring information, and knowledge and providing a platform. For entertainment and record keeping.
, Meanwhile some of the negatives of cell phones may include potential long, term. Health, risksEroding verbal communications skills an unhealthy, addiction to social, media platforms reduced verbal communication between. Family members and friends.
Despite the negatives, mentioned aboveThe benefits of cell phones far outweigh the negatives because they allow us faster and more efficient access to information. And tools which we can use to improve the quality of our everyday personal and professional lives.
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