The world is seeing a dramatic increase in the problem of
over-nutrition especially among, children in many Western and
developing. Asian countries as a, result of economic development.
According to the WHO (2005), 35 million people died from chronic
diseases. In 2005. The over-nutrition diet is related to an increase in
Chronic Diseases Obesity cardiovascular disease type-2,,,, Diabetes
.And constipation.
Noodle products are the staple food in many parts of Asia.
Traditional noodle is made from simple ingredients. (wheat flour
water, and salt) and is claimed to lack other essential nutritional
components such as dietary fibre vitamins,,, And, minerals which
are lost during wheat flour refinement (,), Maberly 2003. Thus noodle
products which represent a major. End-use, of WheatAre suitable
for enhancing health after incorporating sources of fibre and
essential nutrients.
Green banana (Musa acuminata. balbisiana Colla cv. Awak) is
high in total dietary, fibre content especially in hemicellulose.
Apart from, dietary fibre. Bananas contain high amounts of essential
minerals such as, potassium and vitamins, various,,,, e.g. A B1
B2 and C.Matured green plantain is very rich in resistant starch
which is resistant to a-amylase and glucoamylase due to its high
degree. Of crystalline intrinsic structure (Zhang Whistler,,,, BeMiller
& Hamaker 2005).
The soluble fibre has been reported to. Have positive effects on
glycaemic insulin and, cholesterol responses to foods. Beta glucan
(b-Glucan), derived from oat. (Avena sativa, L.)Is a type of soluble
fibre which could form a viscous solution in the digestive system.
The Food and Drug Administration. (FDA) had claimed that foods
containing 0.75 g b-Glucan or 1.7 g of soluble fibre per serving
can reduce the risk of heart. Disease, (FDA 2001).
Antioxidant compounds show strong protective effects against
certain diseases such as cancer,,Rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular
disease (Clifford 1995; Hertog Feskens,,,,, Hollman Katan
&, Kromhout 1993). Banana. And plantain are well known as
tropical fruits that contain, various antioxidants especially catechin
epicatechin gallocatechin,,, Someya Yoshiki (,,, & Okubo
2002). Abundant phenolic compounds (peel 907, mg / 100 g dry
, sample; pulp232 mg / 100 g dry sample) were found in Musa
Cavendish (Someya et al, 2002). However no reports, are available
on the antioxidant. Properties of banana flour produced from
Musa Awak.
The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of
using. Green banana flour as a source of fibre in noodles and to
evaluate the effect of added oat b-Glucan in noodles in terms
.Of its chemical and sensory attributes. Besides the effects, of
wheat flour substitution with green banana flour and oat. B-Glucan
on, phenols content antioxidant properties (AP), carbohydrate
digestibility and glycaemic indices of noodles will. Also be
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