natural fresh ginger 30 g presents: • making in boiling water 1 hour soak laeokrong 500 mg at a time, drinking 2 tbsp. Fix bloating and abdominal pain
Apply fresh lemon grass, crushed 1 pound is about a fair handful (50-60 g) Tom removes the water cure heartburn heartburn tight
.Herb tea by boiling 1 handful fresh basil and approximately 25 g in 1 l of water drink instead of water to help reduce wind-driven nourishing heartburn. Holy Basil tea is ideal for wind-driven in children
.Food digestion, water stimulates the bitterness out of work. Try to eat olives, or herbal tea, there is no bitterness, there diet symptoms prior to travelling to the stomach tight
.Fruit, vegetables, papaya, Apple, there are digestive enzymes help dill best cabbage. Cat wait. phas and special type of olive oil is commonly used as an antacid. Reduce irritation should eat these fruits, vegetables, and food.
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