Blue [BLUE] is the color expression of comfortable, comfortable. I like the color. SENSITIVE. Look from the outside to be discreet. But the inside was a man with heart of love is the people who make a romantic moodAnd gets angry easily get
.White [] is the color purity WHITE indicate, gentle, who favor this color is neat to have high self-confidence. In view of love. Are people with high house, clean, motherhood
.[] a red RED colors indicate the heat SENSITIVE have confidence in yourself, impatient, offensive and reveal, because it is the color expression of awareness energetic all the time. On the subject of love is an extrovert
.Green [] is GREEN colors indicate the calm, cool, who like the color is kind, calm, tolerant, love justice, not about fighting. Intelligent.To love a naive not striking, not sweet as it should be, but love love true change hard WOW!
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