Once upon a time There is a young man who diligently through the generosity of one name wala (young cattle). He and one of the cows with their dependency on each other one day Flash sale. The owner speaks English it unto the human cow up. It's told through the ngawa wala It is going to die, and then ask them to travelers through the use of wala ya also telling grieving through wala to maintain it's leather. These will sell up to heaven. Owner very worried that old the cow after it dies and then through to loneliness so wala told through one day, at wala d to remove the clothing of a lakeside wala ngachueng through it all to the owner of the weaving girl clothing. The girl is the daughter of Mother Goddess weaving village on hope for heaven, secretly to escape down to bathe in the Lake, is not thought to have met through wala d they love married. Subsequently, it has also had one inkling clever cute couple. Life is very happy.
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