The meaning of waste
from the collection of related documents. Many academics have found that the meaning of waste, as follows:
conquer Brahman (2535:.)334), meaning that solid waste means those things deteriorate the broken or the state of use, including scrap objects or scrap materials , arising from the building, housing, place, industry, market street.(2524:136-137) gives the meaning of words that are related to waste, as follows:
.Solid waste means to all the things which in the garbage that people don't want and leave. This includes the clothing, food, dung, the carcass. Ash, dust and debris from the objects to sweep the house building street market.Industrial and other
.Wet waste means to the food, vegetable, meat scraps and the remnants of the big that from cooking from the market. Or fragments from eating with organic matter. Which is often the decay easily.See to spoilage and
!The stink badger easily. Usually there will be approximately 40-70% wet waste moisture content of solid waste waste dry all means the leachate was spoiled rotten easily when flammable. And non-flammable, such as waste paper, scrap cloth.Cans, bottles, wood, metal, various branches, including powder and dust, etc.!Biodegradable waste (Compostable) means to organic waste that can be decomposed by microorganisms has using biochemical reaction Such as food scraps fruit
.Waste that cannot be decomposed (Non Compostable) means to inorganic or organic ย่อยสลาย difficult. In the solid waste that cannot be decomposed by microorganisms, using biochemical reactions, such as scrap metal, plastic bags, etc.!Garbage combustion means to waste that can burn, such as waste paper, scrap wood
.Solid waste means solid waste dangerous harmful to humans, animals and the environment, including industrial waste such as waste toxins. Hospital waste, such as infectious from patients, needle cotton.And places such as, battery, light bulb, aerosol cans, pesticides, oil, air, and sharp objects techniques which cause harm to human health. Animal and environment
.The researcher concluded. The meaning of waste used in this research that waste refers to material things of which left both from use by various sources. These include waste paper, scrap material covering products, plastic, glass cans.And scrap materials, which divided into the following categories: wet and dry garbage, garbage, garbage harmless
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