Share the ball.2.3 the ball. Use the ball Chair, ball or soccer ball-size 4-5 or ball race management race management which would let competitors know before in competition laws.2.4 timer House timer 2 time and is also used for competition.2.5 the basketwork crate typically used to record CrowTag 2.6 points.2.7 the timeout signal race (the whistle Bell Bell, etc.)2.8 the foul count label (if applicable). 3. competition times3.1 time the race is divided into 2 half and half between 20 minutes and a 5 minutes (time may change this race, as appropriate for the athletes competing in the by-laws must be stated before)3.2 when the race began when the organisers have thrown the ball up between two players of each team in a circle and the ball has been a player.3.3 when you start the race after half time and added to each interval, change the border.3.4. in addition, each time a team half time 1 minute at a time, twice a.3.5 connecting the race time. When the result is always a special time in each interval: 5 minutes until they are lose or win, there will be an agreement otherwise.3.6 requests for time off in time to add extra time off, ask has a 1.3.7 any collection that was slower than the competition deadline competition, 15 minutes, adjust as lost. 4. players.
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