On September 4, 2013 Mr.Niyom Pontisaeng and Mr.Wongkitikorn Pinrat dr การแปล - On September 4, 2013 Mr.Niyom Pontisaeng and Mr.Wongkitikorn Pinrat dr อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

On September 4, 2013 Mr.Niyom Ponti

On September 4, 2013 Mr.Niyom Pontisaeng and Mr.Wongkitikorn Pinrat driver of trailer no. 812
had been assigned from Laemchabang yard 9 units transport to Surin and Sisaket dealer.
Mr.Wongkitikorn was driving the trailer out of Leamchabang at 18.30 pm and chang Mr.Niyom drove
bypass Saraburi at 23.45 pm until Nongki to chang Mr.Wonkitikorn he drove at 05.02 am. Then, when
to dealer both drivers are unloading cargo 2 units off trailer and transport cargo to Sisaket dealer by
Mr.Niyom was driving. When both drivers transport cargo successfully. While travelling back Mr.Niyom
drove trailer to Km.226 before crossroad Sangkha about 17 Km. he was doze off. Cause the trailer
down to wayside. When he awake so tried to the steering wheel trailer but underneath the structure
of truck trailer adjacent to the access road to the village. As a result, the trailer has been damaged.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
on september 4, 2013 mr.niyom pontisaeng and mr.wongkitikorn pinrat driver of trailer no. 812
had been assigned from laemchabang yard 9 units transport to surin and sisaket dealer.
Mr.wongkitikorn was driving the trailer out of leamchabang at 18.30 pm and chang mr.niyom drove
bypass saraburi at 23.45 pm until nongki to chang mr.wonkitikorn he drove at 05.02 am. then, when
.to dealer both drivers are unloading cargo 2 units off trailer and transport cargo to sisaket dealer by
mr.niyom was driving. when both drivers transport cargo successfully. while travelling back mr.niyom
drove trailer to km.226 before crossroad sangkha about 17 km. he was doze off. cause the trailer
down to wayside.when he awake so tried to the steering wheel trailer but underneath the structure
of truck trailer adjacent to the access road to the village. as a result, the trailer has been damaged.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
On September 4, 2013 Mr.Niyom Pontisaeng and Mr.Wongkitikorn Pinrat driver of trailer no. 812
had been assigned from Laemchabang yard 9 units transport to Surin and Sisaket dealer.
Mr.Wongkitikorn was driving the trailer out of Leamchabang at 18.30 pm and chang Mr.Niyom drove
bypass Saraburi at 23.45 pm until Nongki to chang Mr.Wonkitikorn he drove at 05.02 am. Then, when
to dealer both drivers are unloading cargo 2 units off trailer and transport cargo to Sisaket dealer by
Mr.Niyom was driving. When both drivers transport cargo successfully. While travelling back Mr.Niyom
drove trailer to Km.226 before crossroad Sangkha about 17 Km. he was doze off. Cause the trailer
down to wayside. When he awake so tried to the steering wheel trailer but underneath the structure
of truck trailer adjacent to the access road to the village. As a result, the trailer has been damaged.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
On September 4, 2013 Mr.Niyom Pontisaeng and Mr.Wongkitikorn Pinrat trailer driver of no. 812
Laemchabang yard had been assigned from 9 units to transport and Sisaket Surin dealer.
Mr.Wongkitikorn was driving out of the trailer and chang Mr Leamchabang at 18.30 pm.Niyom drove
bypass Saraburi at 23.45 pm until Nongki to chang Mr.Wonkitikorn he drove at 05.02 am.Then, when
both drivers are unloading cargo to dealer 2 units off trailer and cargo transport to Sisaket Dealer by
Mr.Niyom was driving. When both drivers transport cargo successfully. While travelling Mr back. Niyom
trailer drove to crossroad Sangkha Km .226 before about 17 Km. he was doze off. Cause trailer
down to the wayside.When awake so he tried to but the steering wheel trailer underneath the structure
of truck trailer adjacent to the access road to the village. As a result, the trailer has been damaged.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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