A fat belly inflation means an unusual syndrome that is associated with the risk of coronary artery disease is obstruction increased. Core elements of senile dementia, including a fat belly anti-malarial two types of diabetes, insulin or glucose resistance defects, high pressure, abnormal blood fat and obese Middle trunk. Clogged coronary artery disease as a cause of death in Australia, with 19.5% figure of death rate in aspects of behavioral risk factors and 2545 (2002) physical being clogged heart artery disease include high blood pressure, high blood onnai Leste restaurant background, diabetes, weight-And obesity, smoking, poor nutrition condition and rarely used her body as a risk factor for coronary artery disease incidence found in populations of Australia, as seen from research, diabetes, obesity and lifestyle of the people of Australia (AUS-DIAB), this research found that.Nearly one in four of the adult nationals of Australia as diabetes or a defective glucose resistance (impaired glucose tolerance) 28% of the population of Australia at the age of 25 years old with high blood pressure, that increases the risk of a cardiac artery blockage, two to four times. Approximately 50% of the adult population has a background in onsung, Lake station restaurant and 60% considered overweight or obese risk factors, all of which increased by age and risk factors increase more.
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