In the book's introduction article development as freedom by Amartya Sen, it has proposed the idea that development is the process of widening the actual freedom of human beings, but human freedom is in conflict with Amartya Sen's view, development is defined as "the enhancement of freedom that allows people to lead lives they have reason to value" He is believed to have brought an important Economist in g-n-p is the development of indicators and to make his meaning goes far beyond just increasing revenue per head. Because of the growth of GDP, industrial revolution, or Nations, or technological advances or to change society as the new society can help widening of human freedom. But that freedom depends on other influences laeoklai is to focus on how to develop some way rather than developed by the development necessary to cover the Elimination of the obstacles that make human beings lack freedom. Although overall wealth increases, as in modern society, many people are pushed not to have basic freedom. Which is the problem a lack of basic freedoms, associated with poverty, inflation, public services and care, devoid of social and civil liberties violations as a result of direct discrimination denies political freedom, and freedom of movement of civilians. Amartya Sen, it says in the book that freedom is at the heart of the development process, with the reason is a reason 1.2 in terms of estimates. 2. reason in terms of effectiveness. In terms of the assessment which will assess the progress of the various levels of people's freedom. Best in terms of effectiveness, it will need to analyze the links between different types of freedoms mutual support, which is why that liberties genuine and lasting is the main element that makes the development can continue. By Amartya Sen, it is using the concept that development is the relationship between liberty and personal freedom and social development goals that go beyond the legal Association, which is what we do, it will have to depend on a complex institutional structure and opportunities that support these opportunities, they have influenced people's freedom from the use. To analyze associated with it.For example to see the differences between the concepts on how to carry out the main goal is to see that the freedom of development, for example, Amartya Sen, who had come to see some of the more obvious. The first example refers to a development perspective for the growth of a new industry revolution or SNP, said basic freedoms or freedom of political and social freedoms, some of it is an important element of the Millennium development goals, which push economic progress. Example 2 Inconsistency between the revenue per head with the liberty of individuals that will have longevity and quality of life, said the differences between the various countries prachatnoklum rich is critical knowledge for development, and global development. Example 3 Re: the role of the market as it is part of the development he reiterated the importance and effectiveness of the system in response to the needs of human beings. Freedom of movement and economic exchanges have an important role in the fundamental well-being of society and his wrenching experience that made him think that the lack of economic freedom in the form of poverty raenkhaen it can make people fall victim. Another type of freedom have been violated.Amartya Sen has been used to analyze, as discussed above, in order to explore the process of development in the definition of economic issues, as well as a comprehensive. Society and politics, we see an important role in the development process of many different institutions and accepting the role of social values and traditions which can influence people's freedom and cherish, there is a reason that those values will be influenced.From freedom to participate and what that talent is recognized in the role of economic freedom. Different social and political support in order to strengthen and enhance the lives of people. They also have a huge debate issues which he explores righteousness, by comparison, is. Reliance on freedom that reasoning with the impetus of economic.In the view that what is required. Amartya Sen: the development proposed that all men should have been five important freedoms together is 1. political freedom, what economic opportunities 2. 3. social opportunities. 4. guarantee transparency 5. stability, the protection of. From concept Development as freedom, liberty is associated with each other and with the ultimate goal being to strengthen the general freedom of human beings. Freedom is not just a goal of development, but also as an important mechanism of development and if there are enough individuals social opportunities. They were able to hold their own fate, and mutual assistance. It is not necessary that society will look at them as they wait for the benefits of a development project.From the book's introduction article development as freedom by Amartya Sen, I agree with the author, because in the beginning he said development is the process of widening the actual freedom of human beings, but human freedom is in conflict with a view to developing. I think there is truth in the Thai society. By developing the freedom of human progress. Best of human freedom, it may prevent the development, such as in the current economic development is enormous, but it is a specific exclusion of human freedom in the profession, and to participate in the various opinions expressed due to the parents or the State may be seen.To hinder development, and from reading this article. I think the development is freedom, it is compatible with democracy, but may not work with half a democracy with democracy and dictatorship. Therefore, in development as freedom by Amartya Sen will probably is going to be difficult in the current world.
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