Turkey is a country two continents lands both in Asia and Europe. Turkey in the Asia covering by, largely, of Anatolia. Which includes ninety-seven percent of, the country is separated from European Turkey by the Bosphorus the Sea of Marmara,,, And the Dardanelles. European Turkey comprises 3% of the country.
.The territory of Turkey is more than one thousand six hundred kilometers long and eight hundred kilometers wide with a,, Roughly rectangular shape. It lies between latitudes thirty-five degree and forty-three degree North and longitudes, twenty-five. Degree and forty-five degree East. Turkey 's area including lakes,,Occupies seven hundred eighty-three thousand five hundred sixty - two, square kilometers of which seven hundred fifty-five. Thousand six hundred eighty-eight square kilometers are in Southwest Asia and twenty-three thousand seven hundred sixty-four. Square kilometers in Europe. Turkey is the world 's thirty-seven-largest country in terms of area. The country is encircled. By seas on three sides:The Aegean Sea to, the west the Black Sea to the north and the Mediterranean to the south. Turkey also contains the Sea. Of Marmara in the northwest.
The European section of Turkey East Thrace, forms the, borders of Turkey with Greece and, Bulgaria. The Asian part of, the country Anatolia consists of, a high central plateau with narrow, coastal plainsBetween the K ö ro ğ Lu and Pontic mountain ranges to the north and the Taurus Mountains to the south. Eastern Turkey has. A more mountainous landscape and is home to the sources of rivers such as, the Euphrates Tigris and Aras and contains, Mount. Ararat Turkey ', s highest point at five thousand one hundred thirty-seven meters and Lake, Van.
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