The wedding ceremony was the second person, as well as people in the marriage institution or similar traditions and culture in accordance with tradition, very different ethnic groups, religions, and social classes.the gift of a ring presented the use of flowers as a symbol) and the announcement of the marriage by the public authority or the spouse is always wore a special wedding and are often followed by a wedding reception wedding.which is different, depending on the position of the position, but it was that if there is a good National Family wedding, there will be a level of luxury, but if there is a poor position or have enough to eat, and there was to be out of work for a simple.The offer he got married there are both pros and cons in many ways. But, I will be lifted up, and some of which will be added as follows:
1 advantages of a wedding as a starting point in the creation of 3 family is married to the bridal pair were very happy especially
2 the wedding ceremony, known as the people who we had never known 4 a wedding is the level of their own status
Cons1 there is a more costly IN THE EVENT THAT THERE ARE 2 very tired, 3 burden, with the people who are poor, those who wish to be married to have a 4 to arrange such as an invitation to join the people who work?At least 1 months
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