The problem is caused by the pipe leak
joint valve system and the devices that use steam.
cause loss of water vapour to heat loss
.ทำให้ ความสามารถ ใน การพาความร้อน whom ส่งผลต่อ การถ่ายเทความร้อน education อุปกรณ์ oxidizing vulnerable and ผลิต EOS
สาเหตุ fashion to ทำให้เกิด รอยรั่ว EOS
and loss of thermal energy from the malfunctions of the steam trap
.If steam trap doesn't work is not to drain condensed out of the system.
will cause a blockage of the water and the impact strength as version called "water hammer phenomenon
."Resulting in a pipe joint machine using steam and equipment damage is caused a leak. The leak occurred, will cause the loss of steam and heat.
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