Adolescent smoking with various causes many, mainly because the desire to try and values that people adhere to a group of friends to youth started smoking because the desire to try.An exciting and fun, even know that it is bad for health, as friends. Youth who started smoking because friends. Some attitude that if no smoking will adapt to. A friend will not be accepted into the group.Easier, at least not shy, and many people to quit smoking. Because of the friend will parody. Research shows that A group of friends has great influence on the subsequent factors is smoking. The environment especially the family smoking.Research has shown that if parents smoking, you'll likely in smoking, high 3 imaginable. The relationship, and family relationships, can lead to adolescent smoking, personal factors, such as a mental health problem, with major depressive disorder.(especially female adolescents). Some smoking to release stress. From the problems at home or at school or the fans has low self-esteem, lack the skills ด้านการเรียน, attitudes toward smoking.Because both the hand and mouth busy to eat, personality of resistance. There are many families who don't see anyone in the smoking ban. But only you who are teenagers to smoke.To show my parents agreed that their growing up. And I don't want my parents to oppress them. He is old enough to decide what to do with him. Some people feel that smoking makes you look older.The final factor is the stream of media. Youth can recognize the current media rooms of abroad either way. Books or publications of various types, the radio and TV
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