Sam and Jerry share contracts, by this contract is the loan contract. By contract in this issue requires The names of the parties The agreed amount is borrowed. There is evidence to support payment schedule and to sign a contract.The contract must include the following ...1. borrowers have loans from lenders as financial ................... baht) .............................................This contract is made on the day by a borrower receives funds to successfully and agree that will reimburse the lender within days ....... Fri Wed ............................... month ........... 2. the borrower agrees to make interest lenders at a rate of 15 per cent per annum and agreed to pay the interest every month. 3. other conditions (if any).Article 4 if one of the parties the parties Division which was one contract. Other partners consent to the prosecution, the Court and law enforcement use of expenses, lost in litigation and enforcement cases have one single. As evidence of the parties on both sides have read the text of the contract have been met by all of the parties. Both sides have invested a significant handwriting in the presence of a witness.Sign up borrowers ........................................Lender sign ........................................Signed witness ........................................Signed witness ........................................
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