do you remember me ? i'm makham. how are you ? long time no see TT long time don't chatting with you. when I go to Japan,i didn't come across you. I haven't Internet to contact you. sorry i think you and me meet agian i miss you! love you!
do you remember me? i'm makham. how are you? long time no see tt long time don't chatting with you. when i go to japan, i didn't come across you. i haven't internet to contact you. sorry i think you and me meet agian i miss you! love you!
do you remember me ? i'm makham. how are you ? long time no see TT long time don't chatting with you. when I go to Japan,i didn't come across you. I haven't Internet to contact you. sorry i think you and me meet agian i miss you! love you!
Do you remember me?' I M makham. How are you long time no see?TT long time chatting with you don 't. when I go to Japan, I didn' T come across you. I haven 't Internet to contact you. sorry I think you and me meet agian I love you miss you! !