Holi celebrations start with a Holika bonfire on the night before Holi where people gather, sing and dance. The next morning is a free-for-all carnival of colours, where participants play, chase and colour each other with dry powder and coloured water, with some carrying water guns and coloured water-filled balloons for their water fight. Anyone and everyone is fair game, friend or stranger, rich or poor, man or woman, children and elders. The frolic and fight with colours occurs in the open streets, open parks, outside temples and buildings. Groups carry drums and musical instruments, go from place to place, sing and dance. People move and visit family, friends and foes, first play with colours on each other, laugh and chit-chat, then share Holi delicacies, food and drinks. Some drinks are intoxicating. For example, Bhang, an intoxicating ingredient made from cannabis leaves, is mixed into drinks and sweets and consumed by many. In the evening, after sobering up, people dress up, visit friends and family.
ผลลัพธ์ (
แอฟริกา) 1:
Holi vieringe begin met 'n Holika vreugdevuur op die aand voor Holi waar mense bymekaar, sing en dans. Die volgende oggend is 'n free-for-all karnaval van kleure, waar deelnemers speel, jaag en kleur mekaar met 'n droë poeier en gekleurde water, met 'n paar dra water gewere en gekleurde water gevul ballonne vir hul water stryd. Almal en almal is fair game, vriend of vreemdeling, ryk of arm, man of vrou, kinders en ou mense. Die dartel en stryd met die kleure plaasvind in die oop strate, oop parke, buite tempels en geboue. Groepe voer dromme en musikale instrumente, gaan van plek tot plek, sing en dans. Mense beweeg en besoek van familie, vriende en vyande, eerste speel met kleure op mekaar, lag en Chit-chat, dan deel Holi lekkernye, kos en drinkgoed. Sommige drankies sterk. Byvoorbeeld, Bhang, 'n bedwelmende bestanddeel gemaak van dagga blare, word in drankies en lekkers gemeng en verteer deur baie. In die aand, na nugter, mense aantrek, besoek vriende en familie.
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