The population of Finland has a high popularity in Finland's national sport, sport is sport pesäpallo, which is like baseball. In addition, the highly popular Especially in terms of television audience: sport ice hockey and formula one racing. In the past, Finland has been known for the middle term runner. In the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris (2467 (1924)) Spa Nui rami WINS to four volume gold coins. Finland is the home of world class athletes in many of the current workers, such as Mika-Mika, Japan, rai fall gate anen kaki (formula one racer) Mika SATO pharmaceutical service little pigtail coming fall 2.5 (soccer player) There are also many types of athletes who succeed in the world. Sports or recreational activities are popular in Finland: floor ball, skiing and sauvakävely (walking with sticks and wooden skis) Finland ever to host the Olympic summer sports in 2495.
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