The beauty of mathematical (Mathematical Beauty). Everyone understands that what is beauty. Similar or may vary depending on the individual's experience. That is, the meaning of the word beauty is different people may have different definitions of beauty, depending on the perspective of experience or knowledge of the individual that is looking to the other to which he may not have the exact definition or fixed because of a sense of identity that arise within the mind is hard to explain to someone else. If considered in terms of the terminology of "beauty" comes from the Pali language and Sanskrit language meaning "mosque", well, simple, genuine, complete, which means that the State does not change according to the time variable. If in the view of Buddhism. Some people may look at that beauty is that people with good minds, while some people may look at that beauty is someone who has a beautiful shape, which is pretty or good-looking, of the individual, it may not be the same. One may look ugly, but other people might look at the same thing that is beautiful. From the Royal Institute dictionary definition of beauty is the large provision that beauty is "see, invite rejoice and satisfaction." But in the view of beauty is a mathematical context. Considering the beauty in math view to discover that sometimes refers to the beauty of the things that can calculate a measure of comparison, or tangible, but sometimes it might mean the beauty of things is abstract cannot be measured or calculated beauty in math may view classified in multiple formats, such as that caused by. -A proportion based on the concept of the golden ratio. -Apply a line pattern. The shape or the various parts together into a new shape, such as the concept of Fractal Tessellation or etc.-The ideas, theories, methods, results that can be proven or verified solution is a simple and clear regulation system. -Pictures from the graph or an equation, into another program, etc.This research will focus on the beauty of measure or compare. The golden ratio as a criterion. The ratio of gold to the beauty.The ratio of gold have been taken and are linked to many traditions, such as education (Marquardt, 2014), about the beauty of the shapes, the beautiful people on the face of each era, which makes the scheme reveals that face people with the beauty of every era, it corresponds to the mask gold. (Golden Mask)
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