AbstractTest study of try thoffi with the objective to learn about how to make and alter the formula of thoffi by the group we are interested that will alter all three flavors: tamarind-flavored banana flavour and taste of mango.
Prepare the ingredients that will be used, along with the main ingredient, tamarind. Banana and mango, with how to do this is to set a pot of coconut water, enough to break it, and then pour the sugar into it, followed by a friendly transaction, so people are continuing the soft Brown and then put the ingredients needed, such as tamarind, flavour, it is easy to enter the area of the leg.That has been boiled down to.
Experimental results showed that thoffi all three flavors are flavors of mango, tamarind, banana flavour and taste the delicious taste of sweet klomklom is popular with most people who have taste.
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