Number: 18
Name: Siriyakorn Suasosit
Subject: Health Education
I. Explain or give your reason of the following risk- behavior occurs on both families (low-income and high-income families). Give your answer in RED text.
1. Wealthy Families
a. Risk-behaviors of abundance of money to live life
i. Ex. Doesn’t know how to spend their money properly, they may engaged in drug addiction.
b. Possible reason of depression
c. Possible reason of stress
2. Poverty or Poor families
a. Risk-behaviors of lack of money to cover daily expenses
b. Possible reason of depression
c. Possible reason of stress
3. Wealthy families –Diet
a. Risk-behavior of too much food intake; more than the body needs.
b. Risk behavior of eating Junk food
c. Risk behavior of unbalanced diet
4. Poverty or Poor families-Diet
a. Risk behavior of having insufficient money to buy food on some days
b. Risk behavior of eating overnight or left-over foods
c. Risk behavior of imbalanced diet
5. Wealthy Families- impact on their health (What are the reasons of having these impacts?)
a. Hypertension
b. Diabetes
c. Cardiovascular disease
d. Suicide
6. Poverty or poor families- impact on their health (What are the reasons of having these impacts?)
a. Malnutrition
b. Alcoholism
c. Digestive disorders
d. Mental Problem